Wednesday, 27 September 2017

EEAikido today...

Great success ...25 students ...some returning AND a great help !!!!!

Starting today ...

Aikido starts today at Bishop Field ..right after school

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Monday, 4 September 2017

Aikido .... ..let's practise

Training can take you near and far

Aikido 2017 builds on past learnings ....

Grading for kids aikido

KIds "belts" ... 6th kyu (knowledge of basics), 5th kyu (yellow), 4th kyu (orange), 3rd kyu (blue),
2nd kyu (brown) .......
once the kids levels are completed students should have the skills to begin training in the adult levels

2017 EEAIKIDO for kids at Bishop Field

Right now ...looking at starting aikido on Wednesday September 27th 3-4. It's a new school year. Will spread the word that practise is open to Grades 2-6 AND all ex-members from last year. 
A number of students graded for 6th kyu and 6th kyu part 1 last year. GOOD to see progress!!!!