Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Merry Christmas 2020

 Merry Christmas ! ...count our blessings .... aikido? regular safe classes with kids following guidelines....

living in a society where we are taking care of each other .... kids had safe access to school ...families can 

enjoy Christmas ...

AND plan for new year 2021 ...

Next wednesday class is January 6 ...

and sunday classes starting at 5 p.m. for january 3 2021

Adult weapons class will continue starting January 6/2021

Saturday, 21 November 2020

2020 Fall

 Tsunami is waiting off our shores. Health officials are right.

 Meanwhile our aikido is able to progress and move ahead. Success in adult and youth practises. We are doing well ...and congrats on all the health guidelines helping us and all of you for following them.

Nov 2020 ... youth doing well


Nov 2020 doing well


Wednesday, 14 October 2020

October 2020

 We are so proud of our kids class! They have adapted so quickly and so well to our new routines that are in place due to necessary health guidelines! The next block of practises are full ( there is a limit on numbers) - and they are eager to build on the early fall practise!

Next sessions are November 4, 18th, 25th and Dec 2.

Success and success


6 th kyu practise and learning


Aiki jo kids


Thursday, 8 October 2020

October aikido ....2020

 Covid is challenging everyone to do things differently. Youth are rising to the occasion. Aikido classes require masks on entry and exit, staying on mat space for practise, using hand sanitizer, and broadening the way we practise to be safer. Congratulations on doing all this so well!!!

Deserving students receive ranks


Kids practise continues


Hitting covid (written on pinata)

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

KIds aikido in covid times

 The kids did a wonderful job using their mats - their mat was their space.... physical distancing taken care of ! And each student had a jo to work with. After stretching, a few techniques .... swinging the jo at "covid"... learning some  japanese .... a full class indeed!

kids aikijo


Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Adult Course


Fall Sessions - Kids

  I hope all of you are safe and well. The year 2020 certainly has had challenges. 

I want to update you on future aikido plans. I will now run aikido out of a rental location , The Lantern on Barnes Road. In order to offset costs a registration fee will be charged. This is minimal to pay rental. As for my time, it is %100 volunteer.
   In order to optimize a safe return to  aikido there will be limited spots available. Extras will be placed on a wait list. . The first fall registration will be for 3 classes only. After those 3 practises take place, i will assess the situation and hopefully add more classes. AND aikido will be practised with modifications in place as guided by the Department of Health.
        Registration fee $25  (use etransfer if possible)
                          Deadline Reg Sept 23 rd
        Time 4p.m- 4:40 p.m., Wednesdays
        Location: Lantern, Barnes Road
       Dates : September 30, Oct 7 and Oct 14  (after this a break and hopefully additional classes)
attached is registration form, Compliance Form for Safe Practise. 
Please carefully read details around this.
Any questions please feel free to email me
Colleen Hogan

Monday, 11 May 2020

Friday, 17 April 2020


SPRING 2020 like no other. FYI If school resumes aikido club members will be given immediate feedback on their aikido progress. However, not sure if that's realistic to expect. Hoping that East End Aikido will resume  at another location in the early fall. Once plans can be made will send out emails and post information. Meanwhile, priority now is everyone's safety. So whatever it takes, act safe ! Protect our vulnerable and seniors as well!!! Ours is a society that looks after everyone!

Friday, 20 March 2020


Everything has come to an abrupt change .... we were looking forward to a great finish to Bishop Field aikido this year. It's been a great group with lots of skill to demonstrate. As the coming weeks unfold we will post what further aikido activity will take place.
Should you be curious about techniques for different rankings a very good link is the following (excellent video demos):

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Practise today

Today and next wednesday students will be practising for upcoming tests. On March 25 14 students will test for 6th kyu(white belt). Several more will test for 5th kyu (yellow).
On April 1st the rest of the class will test for their next ranks.
In the past month a few elementary students did test for 6th kyu. They are to be commended for well demonstrated skills!!!!!
GENERAL- Since the start of this school year our aikido class has averaged between 33 to 37 students. It's been a very motivated group and progress is evident. Congrats to all !!

Friday, 6 March 2020

Remaining kids classes

Wednesdays at Bishop Feild - a few classes left and then testing! quite a few 6th kyu tests and higher ranks coming up! A note was sent home!

Aikido basics/self-defence

Successful course for group of Girl Guides yesterday evening!
3 dan ranks for a group of young women who went away with tools for self-defence/aikido basics.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Wednesday Feb 26/20

Looking forward to today's kids class ...missed a couple cause of weather!!!
Today will be testing and practise! Full steam ahead!!

Thursday, 20 February 2020

Women's self-defence/aikido basics

Great 4th class this past sunday! Will schedule more courses in near future!!!

Weather havoc

unfortunately this week's kids class had to be cancelled ....quite the winter !
But testing and training plans will get back to usual next week!!!

Monday, 27 January 2020

Friday, 24 January 2020

Women's Intro Aikido

Sunday night course is a go !!!  January 26th. Great class last week !!!!